Adalah HAL yang NORMAL, Jika anda mendapatkan email dari Instagram:
"Password Reset on Instagram"
ini adalah langkah security dari Instagram,
- Celebgramme akan STOP dengan sendirinya
- Silahkan RESET Password anda di Instagram, sesuai instruksi Instagram
- bisa RESET di Instagram App ► Klik " FORGOT PASSWORD "
- bisa RESET di ► Klik " FORGOT PASSWORD "
isinya :
Hi ---your username---,
We detected some suspicious activity that suggests your Instagram account may have been compromised. Don't worry, we've taken measures to secure your account. As a result, we need you to reset your password, using the links below:
Reset your password using a web browser:
If you have any problems accessing your account, please check the Instagram Help Center at For more tips on how to keep your account secure, check out
-The Instagram Team